GM .... Just wanted to touch base and hit on a few technical things we work into your programming that you may not even be aware of....and that is periodization. What??? Periodization: the systematic planning of athletic or physical training. In other words, I work on developing 4-8 week blocks where the base goals remain pretty constant. After that period, those base goals shift to another phase of training for approximately the same amount of time, based on several, any injury, athletic events you may be engaged in or ... just prioritizing another component of your training. WHY??? Our bodies are very adaptive and over a period of time the response to exercise stimulus will fall off, and actually.... the risk of overuse injury may increase. Within a given block the exercises may change (and will with me) but the short term goals for that block remain constant. Training in this way, helps to keep your body from plateauing and avoiding debilitating set backs. As always your "nutrition" will play a key role. Depending on your diet and your level of "compliance".... I work to match the training period to your average daily nutritional profile. This again, is one of the factors I consider in block timing. So my preworkout question ...."how are you doing" .... is normally very loaded comng from me. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW! How your eatting, sleeping and handling stress, impact my decision in programming , the period choice and timing. It all needs to balance out! Sooooo.....I hope this mornings text didn't bore you too much... but I like us to be on the same page and hey.....perhaps who may be helping others in their health and fitness goals. Thanks for your time this morning, hit me up anytime you have questions and have a fantastic day!!!
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